The 22nd EFLA International Scientific Congress ‘Harmonisation or re-nationalisation. New paradigms for EU Food Law' will be held in Hamburg, Germany, on 20th & 21st September 2018.
Over the past 30 years, the European Union has taken a fairly consistent path in the development and application of food law. It now seems to be at a crossroads and the future direction of travel may differ from the past. There would appear to be a growing move towards re-nationalisation of food law, rather than harmonisation. The potential implications of this for those operating within the EU market are significant.
This Congress will aim to highlight those areas where this shift is currently most apparent, address the existing and potential future impact, and discuss what this means for the future evolution of EU food law.
After a brief introduction by EFLA's President, Andreas Natterer, and the keynote speech by Mr. Stephan Nießner, President of BLL (German Federation for Food Law and Food Science), the congress will address various areas of food law.
Session I, chaired by Mr. Vicente Rodriguez Fuentes, Legal Agrifood Abogados, will deal with the RASFF system and the different approaches in the member states.
Session II, chaired by Paola Corte, Studio Legale Corte, will address Enforcement in the EU and the different control measures in the member states.
Session III, chaired by Mr. Christian Ballke, Meisterernst Rechtsanwälte, will analyze some aspects of e-commerce,
Session IV, chaired by Ms. Angelika Mrohs, BLL, will present several interesting case studies in food labelling.
To see the full program of the Congress, click here.
About EFLA
The European Food Law Association (EFLA) is an international non-profit making organisation that has as its essential goal to study and to promote Food Law, as well as to contribute to its development and to its international harmonisation under conditions taking into account at the same time its specificity, its interdisciplinary nature and its special function, the protection of the consumers.